There are several small family cemeteries in the Crab Creek community.
Two of these small family cemeteries are located off Crab Creek Road.
Thomas Cemetery
There are only two fieldstones at the Thomas Cemetery. These stones mark the grave sites of two children who died before 1834.
“Two of the little Thomas girls used to play house up on the hill. They both died together of diphtheria. They were buried where they played, on the hill.”
Timmons Cemetery
There is only one marked grave and some small stones at this cemetery.
Two other small family cemeteries are located off Evans Road.
Harden Cemetery
This cemetery contains five marked graves with dates of death from 1944 to 1983.
DeBranch Cemetery
This cemetery consists of two graves covered with ivy.
Sentell Family Cemetery
Descendants of Revolutionary War veteran William Sentell are buried in a family cemetery at the top of Jeter Mountain on the Henderson County and Transylvania County line.
The small family cemetery is encircled by a private driveway. Today’s private home and driveway was once the homestead of the Sentell family.
The cemetery was surveyed by the Henderson County Genealogical and Historical Society in 1992. At that time, the cemetery was 35 feet by 63 feet and the graves were arranged in three distinct rows. At that time the driveway did not completely encircle the cemetery.
Today, it is apparent that grave stones were moved from their original location when the driveway was built to completely encircle the cemetery. The stones are no longer in their original location as designated in the rows at the 1992 survey.
Legible grave stones include those of Ezekiel Howard Sentell, Catherine C. Sentelle, Alfred Sentell and Richard Sentell. There are at least 20 unmarked field stones and one stone imbedded in a tree.