In a deed from John A. Rhodes and wife, Sallie, to Carl Dixon Rhodes, James Dunlap and Mack H. Lyda, trustees, about a quarter acre was transferred “for and in consideration of the love and respect of the dead who are buried in said lot or who may be buried therein.”
The cemetery was called the James Roberts graveyard and was measured at 48 poles. One pole equals 16.5 feet.
The deed also states that any three members who have people buried in the lot shall have the power to keep three trustees appointed.
“There shall be free access over our land to and from the graveyard to a public road to be used for the graveyard,” the deed states.
Today, the property is adjacent to property owned by Lawrence Rhodes off Moss Road.
The cemetery is in excellent condition.
There are about 25 graves in the cemetery. Several are recent burials.
One is Eli Rhodes, who served with Co. A, Edney’s Greys. He was wounded during the Siege of Petersburg. He served through the war. He died after 1910.
The cemetery can be found on the county’s GIS.