The McCrary Family Cemetery can be accessed off Evans Road and Wyatt Hill Road.
The cemetery is located near the original site of the old Crab Creek Baptist Church, according to George Jones with the Henderson County Genealogical and Historical Society. The old road leading to the church and cemetery passed in front of the house, he said.
The cemetery is located on private land and is next to a home. Permission must be granted by the property owner to visit the cemetery.
There is a maintenance schedule for descendants and contact and visitation information was posted at the entrance to the property.
In 1985, when the cemetery was surveyed, there were about 30 grave stones.
The oldest marked grave stones are those of children, Mary McCrary, 1856; Susan McCrary, 1861; and William M. McCrary, 1861. The grave site of Columbus McCrary who married Lucinda Jones is found in the cemetery with a death date of 1869.
According to McCrary descendants, the graves of Boyd McCrary and Charity Merrill McCrary are most likely where there are unmarked field stones. Boyd McCrary died in 1848 and his wife, Charity Merrill McCrary died in 1880.
Boyd McCrary was a schoolteacher, served as a justice of the peace and helped build the first jail in Henderson County.
Children of Boyd and Charity McCrary married into families with the surnames Jones, Capps, Reeves, Moore and Bryson.
Family members also state the grave site of Jeremiah “Jerry” King is one of the unmarked field stones in the cemetery. He was a son of Samuel B. King Jr. and Mary “Polly” Ashe Kelley. He married first Nancy Erwin and, after her death, he married Elizabeth Margaret Camp. He died in 1880.
One grave site is that of a Union soldier.
Adolphus McCrary enlisted in the 2nd N.C. Mounted Infantry, Co. H, on 11-1-1863. He deserted the Union Army on 4-20-1864. There is no record of his return to duty, but he appears to have been a prisoner of war and restored. There is an unreadable document from the Record and Pension Office that may have included his restoration. He was a Confederate deserter from the 62nd N.C. Infantry Regiment, Co. E, deserting on 3-28-1863. He was captured at Carter’s Depot on Dec. 30, 1862, exchanged on an unspecified date, probably in March of 1863. He died in 1915.