In 1969, 36.2 percent of the land in Henderson County was farm land. There were 947 farms with 87,479 acres of land. The average farm was 92.3 acres. Approximately 924 people were employed in agriculture. The market sale of all agricultural products was $8,519,341. This was up from $6,680,150 in 1964. About 69 farms had sales of more than $40,000.
For the first time in the county’s history apples were the No. 1 crop sold. Fruit sales in 1969 in Henderson County totaled $2,565,254. There were 213 farms classified as orchards, and 211 classified as apple orchards. This number grew from 162 in 1964. But, 357 farms were selling fruit. Four farms were growing peaches, five had vineyards and two farms sold pears. At least five farms were selling berries. Fourteen of the orchards had beehives. Honey sold accounted for $2,460 in 1969.
The dairy industry was not far behind fruit. The dairy industry had $2,320,632 in sales in 1969. There were 45 dairies in Henderson County in 1969. But 170 farms were selling dairy products. There was a trend between 1960 and 1970 for fewer dairies and larger herds.
Vegetable sales totaled $956,257 in 1969. There were 78 farms considered primarily vegetable farms; but 140 farms were selling vegetables. The No. 1 vegetable crop was beans. This included snap beans, bush beans and pole beans. In order of sales, the following vegetables grown in Henderson County were beans, cabbage, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkins and black-eye peas.
Poultry and poultry product sales was No. 4 in income. These were chicken farms. Twenty-three farms were classified as primarily poultry farms, with 138 farms selling poultry or poultry products. Poultry and products accounted for sales of $596,191 in 1969.
The nursery and horticulture industry had risen to No. 5 by 1969. There were 19 farms classified as nursery and horticulture. Sales totaled $417,619. Fourteen of these now had greenhouses. Of the 19, 10 were selling cut flowers. Eight were selling products such as trees and shrubs.
Sales from field crops totaled $266,829 in 1969. Most of this was from field corn with 285 farms growing and selling field corn. There were 11 farms growing sorghum and six growing soybeans. A total of 78 farms were growing and selling sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. Burley tobacco was grown on 23 farms in 1969.
Sales of beef cattle totaled $318,946 with 93 farms selling beef cattle. Hog sales accounted for $94,014 of agricultural sales in 1969. A total of 178 farms had hogs with 27 farms classified as hog farms.
Only 16 farms were selling forestry products with sales of $15,645 in 1969.