Anders Family Cemetery (Bob’s Creek Road)
One of the Anders Family Cemeteries can be found off Bob’s Creek Road. It was located on the property of Ben Levi and surrounded by homes.
Almost a part of the yard, it is preserved, set off and attractive, with shrubbery and ornamentation making it an attractive part of the setting.
There are about 18 identifiable graves. Only one headstone can be read, that of Henson Andrews, 1844.
Old deeds describe the property as the old R.P. Levi home place. But prior to Levi purchasing the property it was apparently owned by a member of the Anders family. The Anders family purchased land in the community between 1820 and 1830.
Descendants of the original settler, Peter Anders, used the surname Anders and Andrews interchangeably through the years.
One of his sons was Henson Anders, born about 1818 and died about 1890. His grave site has not been located. Other known sons of early settler Peter Anders were Jesse Anders, Daniel Anders, Lindsey Baker Anders, David Asbel (Asbury) Anders, and George R. Anders. It is likely that the Henson Anders (Andrews) with the date of 1844 was a grandson of Peter Anders (Andrews).
Marked or engraved field stones for several members of the Anders family have not been located. It is highly likely that the unmarked field stones in this cemetery are members of this family.
Anders Family Cemetery (Green River Road)
Another old cemetery was located off Green River Road. This appears to be located today on the Schneck Family Conservancy land.
Three grave stones were located marked by old field stones. It appeared that one had an inscription that could not be read.
This property also was owned at one time by the Anders family.
Andrews Cemetery
John J. Andrews, 1829-1887, is buried in a small cemetery on the side of Andrews Road in the Green River community, about two-tenths of a mile past Green River Baptist Church.
It’s about 15 feet from the road and surrounded by evergreens and shrubbery.
The grave of Ellen Andrews, 1885-1892, and possibly another grave are located in the midst of the evergreens.
The cemetery was located in the corner of 5.92 acres of property owned by C. Ward Summey of Asheville.
All of these cemeteries are noted on the county’s GIS cemetery layer.